Saturday, May 17, 2014


Relief is happiness

Aloha !
My current mood: relief & happy ! those piling stuffs in a row are finally doneeeeeeeee!Relief is Happiness. I swear to God i never feel that exhausted before, especially last monday. I really feel like d y i n g. gosh. And everything is done done and done! I'm so glad that i can attend class like i suppose to and yesterday when i stay at school till night like after a period of time, It literally gives me such feelings that i've been missing sooo much. yaps. now im back on track, focus on my study.

Between those hectic days i found some enlightment, now i realize what i really want in my life for this time. Good health and live in the moment. :)
Throwing back, i've accomplished things, i got list of little achievements, i've improve a lot compared with what i used to be. Though today i'm not on the top, though there are still another milestones in front of me waiting to conquer, but i've decide to stop myself. it's not about giving myself a little break, but i'm enough with these stuff. i achieved but it all will be useless when i don't live in the moment. Along these way i don't even count my days, month keeps on changing every time i check my calendar. That kind of unawareness makes me feel insecure and sick. And now, i've set a resolution for next semester, i'll limit my organization schedule, i'll move to dorm, give more time to my friends, get out from that circle of life i used to live, start a new life and make everyday count. i think this plan will give me better days ahead, yes i'm sure!

Nevertheless i won't regret all the things which is done. It doesnt mean i learn nothing from them. Those effort, time, hard work, support and sacrifice are what shaped me today. My fullest appreciation towards those who have support me these far. I won't be where i am and be who i am today without you guys!
To a friend that has been by myside for last 2 years. Today we don't talk much like how we used to, and honestly i feel lost. That comments of taking you for granted still hurt me inside. Idk what should i do with that talks behind me and my bad that ive give up the friendship because of this. Or is it a friendzone for you instead of friendship. But this time i have to be decisive. i wont friendzoned you anymore. and not to start a conversation with you is the best way i've think of. pff...

Enough for that, i got another good news. Recently the duration of conversation between me and daddy is getting longer! Glad that we have talks ( though it's basic talks ) that last more than 4mins last night. It was such a progress between daughter-daddy relationship i've ever had! I really hope that i can improve my quality time with him. He is getting older and i feel bad that i never stay by his side since i was a kid. I always find it hard to have a conversation with him, but I always try to and now i'm trying harder. I love you dad, sorry that i dont do it earlier and i miss you badly right now...
